Saturday, May 14, 2011

Paying Tribute Part 5-Mary

Little Miss Mary :) I met Mary when I was her supervisor at Maricopa County Human Services-Head Start Program.  Mary was hired to oversee our Volunteer Program.  The Volunteer Program was something that was new to the program.   Previous to her being hired I was working closely with a consultant Pam Betz to create some framework in the program.  When we interviewed Mary she stood out over all the rest of the candidates.  Within the first five minutes of the interview, I knew she was the right fit for the position.

I was so bummed because on her first week of work I had to go somewhere out of State I think....I can not remember.   I wanted to be there for her first week of work.  I supervised Mary for quite some time, and then she got moved to a different supervisor as we were re structuring staffing.  I remember when I was still supervising her, we ran into each other at Martini Ranch.  We both had some drinks in us-lets just say the Monday following was a little awkward at

Mary was such professional and was always willing to go the extra mile.  She was always asked to do extra because of her strong work ethic and it was just known that she would get the work done. Not only would she get the work done, but it was quality. Mary put her heart and soul into developing the Volunteer Program and the program would not be where it is today with parent and community volunteers without her hard work and persistence.  She has moved onto bigger and better things. I am so proud of her for making that move.

Mary is one of the most caring individuals I have ever met.  She is so fun to hang out with and is always such a great listener.  She has such a big heart and I am so lucky to call her my friend.  Thank you Mary for what you do for me, and for our friendship.  So lucky to call you FRIEND :)

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad our life paths have crossed. You are a wonderful friend Melissa. I have learned so much from you and always enjoy our time together. Love you!
