Saturday, March 19, 2011

Smorgasbord of Yoga Classes

Yoga was something that I looked forward to going to each day after work. I attended religiously and the feeling that I had when I walked through the doors at Yoga Pura with the tiny bell ringing, was heavenly.  I attended all levels of classes and seemed to be drawn to a handful of Yoga instructors. 

The positive energy, caring people,  and being under the same roof of individuals just like myself who were trying to find themselves in this crazy world (at least some people that I know of) was what made me want to come back each and every day.   It was my home away from home.  A place where I could go and spend an hour and a half of looking within ME-finding my true self.  (Which I am still trying to do-lol-baby steps)  I would look forward to the life lessons at the beginning of class and as time progressed would feel comfortable enough to actually ask questions and share my own experiences in classes.  I was taught that it does not just begin on the mat, and learned that I needed to take it into the outside world. To begin to notice my patterns, tendencies, and look things in a different light.  A positive light. 

I had some hectic days at work and Yoga took my mind off of things.  I would wake up from corpse pose with the refreshed feeling that tomorrow is a new day.  A brand new day.  Pure Bliss. 

The more and more I practiced Yoga, the more I started to feel positive shifts in my life.  Shifts that I can not explain or at times did not understand.  These shifts will be in future blogs-not quite there yet!

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