Saturday, March 31, 2012

I Believe...............

I believe in family. I have always been a family oriented person and family is very important to me. My family will always be there for me through thick and thin. They will love me unconditionally no matter what mistakes or decisions I make in my life. They are my back bone in life and provide me with a safe secure place to go back to. A part of family is believing in marriage.  To have that someone in my life that is my best friend.

I believe in loyalty and friendship. Having those people in my life that are always there for me. Those special individuals and circle of people that I can continually turn to for advice, support, entertainment, and encouragement. They are the ones who know who I am at my core, the good and the areas where I know I can improve. I am incredibly lucky to be surrounded by amazing people who I know will be there for me in times of need or to just be, hang out, laugh, be silly, have fun, and celebrate. These are the friends with whom I can be my true self and trust above all else. These are the friendships that have been with me in times of joy and held my hand through the stormy, turbulent times and to do the same for my friends.

I believe in spirituality.  Continuing to work on myself, grow as a result of my life experiences and people that I come into contact with on a daily basis or those closest to me in my life.  Continuing to learn my life lessons that I am supposed to learn while here on this earth.  All who have come into my life for a reason. I also believe in the power of curiosity.  Curiosity that helps me to get to the core of my being and move me towards loving who I am as an individual.

I believe in girly things. Anything with glitter, bows and ruffles. I love Nick knacks, candles, picture frames (to have those closet to you in sight), Kelly Rae Roberts art, jewelry, headbands, clothing and purses.  Being surrounded by beauty is important to me.

I believe in sunsets. It is a mark of the nearing of a day and the start of a new day. The beauty of the sunset is so incredible.

I believe in working hard. I have always been a conscientious person and one to take pride in the work that I do.  I am committed to the work that I do on myself personally or in my professional life.

I believe in making myself vulnerable to others.  To reach out, question things, ask questions, put myself out there and allow myself to learn from others. But to also share my story with others in hopes of helping others.

I believe in being compassionate and kind to others. To value those that are in my life, let them know often and not be afraid to show my appreciation and love for them.  The kind where an unexpected gift or card brightens someones day.

I believe in the power of intuition. That strong pull that I feel when the universe is trying to tell me to act on something; including when something does not feel right.  To learn how to trust myself more and allow the universe to lead me to where it is I am supposed to be going.

I am starting to believe in myself.  That I do have the capability to do extraordinary things. That I can be happy with who I am and what I have accomplished. I believe in taking action on what inspires me and to be a better person to be able to reach new heights. To believe that I am stronger than I think and capable of much more. To make a difference in people's live whether it is with my family, friends, co workers and anyone else I come into contact with.

What do you believe in?

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