Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A New Year 2012

As I look back on the year 2011, a lot happened. A lot.  A mixture of both positive and challenging happenings.  I am going into this new year bringing all of the positives that occurred and learning from all of the challenges.  Good comes out of each situation and lessons are learned.  I have grown so much professionally and personally this year.  Met some amazing individuals and as a result new friendships were formed.  To say that I have the most amazing support system in my life is an understatement.  I am truly blessed and grateful. I am one lucky gal!

Here are a few things I learned this year as a result of all of my experiences:

Taking what I have learned and experienced this year,  putting it to use, and building on it for the new year 2012.

To cut myself some slack and when mistakes are made or those negative patterns or tendencies occur, know that it is OK, don't dwell on the past, it does not do anyone good to dwell on what was, instead  focus on the present moment.

To speak my truth, I am worth it, true relationships are developed maintained and only grow stronger when you say what you need to say in a loving manner.

To do what it is that I love to do.  Take action.  Action produces results.

Here is that latest one recently I learned a week or two prior to the new year and the biggest one to celebrate-To move forward no matter what curve balls life throws you.  Staying stagnant is no fun and is not helping anyone, including yourself.

I know there is so much more I could celebrate, but I am looking forward to a new year of celebrations,  possibilities, adventures, trials and tribulations.  I know that this year will never be perfect, but nothing will ever be perfect, this is what makes life something to experience and celebrate.  Sometimes not knowing what is next can be scary, but it is all about perspective, consider this something to look forward to-new possibilities :)

Happy New Year 2012

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