Saturday, July 9, 2011

Surround Yourself With Those That Love You..................

Yesterday seemed like a long day, not in a bad way, just a lot was going on at work.  I can not complain because I love where I am professionally and work almost feels like a second home to me. A second home because if you think about it, that is where I spend the majority of my time on weekdays pretty much 8 hours a day.

We had a retirement luncheon for a gentlemen that has worked for our program for over 9-10 years.  I also supervised him for a few of those years.  There came a time where we all had an opportunity to say a tribute to him, including myself.  There was lots of tears, joy, laughter and memories triggered me to begin thinking that each and everyone of us touches lives in our own unique way.  We all have love and support around us, and are probably affecting more lives than we think.  I have this motto and that is to surround yourself with those that love you, and who are only going to lift you higher. I was just telling someone the other day that I have surrounded myself with amazing individuals in my life.

It also got me to thinking that nothing ever stays the same, change is constant.  Change at times for me is not comfortable for a short period of time, but yesterday helped me to see that when things change in our lives or we are going through hardships, new opportunities open up for us and it is during the hard times where lessons are learned to only make you stronger.  I have a friend that gave me a little plaque.  I have it in my bathroom, and look at it each and everyday as I am getting ready in the morning or going to bed as a reminder to: Believe, to believe that all things happen for a reason.

As I look back on what has transpired in my life so far, I can not complain. So grateful for what life has provided to me, and comforted in knowing that when things get tough....I am surrounded with love and support....all I need to do is reach friends and family will always be there for me.

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